We believe membership in the local church is vital for the follower of Christ. Joining with a local church is an outward reflection of an inward affection for Christ and his people. We also see in Scripture where elders are charged with the responsibility of guarding and shepherding members of the local church. To carry out this task, our church has established the following process by which potential members may join Alpine:
1) Profession of faith and baptism
2) Affirmation of doctrinal statements
3) Completion of membership orientation
4) Recommendation by elders
5) Affirmation by congregation
To help our elders learn more about potential members and hear how God has been working in their lives to this point, we ask that you complete the membership questionnaire through the link provided below. Please answer the questions thoroughly and honestly.
Also, because it is expected that our members will regularly participate in the ministries of the church, including our youth and children’s ministries, a background check is included as part of the membership orientation process. This can be completed privately, electronically, and securely through the link provided below. To be clear, the background check is not intended to be a barrier to membership but instead a tool to aid the elders in wisely discerning where members should serve within the body.
Know that because we value your privacy, we will not publish these responses. The questionnaire and the background check are only for the elders.
Membership Orientations
To begin the membership process, or to simply learn more about our church, please register for one of our upcoming membership orientation sessions.
Next available sessions:
September 25, 2024 @ 6:00 PM (Education Building)
December 11, 2024 @ 6:00 PM (Education Building)
If unavailable for any of these dates, please speak with an elder to discuss accommodations.